Worship is the center of our mission at San Marino Congregational United Church of Christ and YOU are always welcome.

Worship is always filled with music – including congregational singing (all words projected on screen) as well as instrumental and solo pieces. We follow a fairly traditional model of worship with an instrumental prelude beginning promptly at 10am, followed by a welcome from our pastor, Rev. Donald Shenk, and our opening song. Other elements of the service include congregational participation in an antiphonal Call to Worship, The Lord’s Prayer and a unison dedication for the offering as well as Reflections from our pastor, a time for meditation, communal prayer and a closing blessing.

Children are always welcome to our services (see “The Children’s Corner” below) and there is a special part in each service for the children (called our “Wondering” time) where Rev. Donald reads a picture book (or tells a story) related to the day’s theme. The pictures from the book are projected so everyone can enjoy the story.

After the service of worship, all attendees are invited to gather next door to the Sanctuary in the Fireside/Dining area for the Social Time where snacks and beverages are available in a relaxed atmosphere for conversation and interaction.

We look forward to seeing you in worship!

The Children’s Corner
We really mean it when we say, “you are welcome here.” To include the youngest amongst us we have carved out a special space that allows them a comfortable place for wiggling or doodling or just taking in all the facets of worship that catch their interest. The Children’s Corner is located at the back of our main sanctuary.

Sunday Worship – 10 a.m.
Communion Every First Sunday

Normally, before 10 a.m. we are invited into worship with a beautiful gift of music. The service might begin with a greeting followed by a processional by the choir, United Voices.

The children gather each Sunday near the beginning of “Big Worship” for a Children’s Time. They then leave to go to Children’s Worship & Wonder. (If your child does not feel comfortable going to Worship & Wonder, you are welcome to remain with your child/children in our worship service.)

Assisted Hearing Service is available. Just tell the Greeter or Usher your need.