For Visitors - San Marino UCC

Perhaps you are new to our church, or even new to “worship services” in general. Perhaps you haven’t attended here for awhile and have merely forgotten. In any case, most of us find ourselves, at some time or another, saying: “Help! What do I do next?”

Hopefully, this guide will help you to relax and feel comfortable as you follow the service printed in the Sunday Bulletin. We also hope that you will find worshipping here a meaningful experience. We look forward to seeing you!


Sunday Worship is at 10 a.m. Normally, before 10 a.m. we are invited into worship with a beautiful gift of music. The service might begin with a greeting followed by a processional by the choir, United Voices. Assisted Hearing Service is available. Just tell the Greeter or Usher your need.


The children gather each Sunday near the beginning of “Big Worship” for a Children’s Time. They then leave to go to Sunday School. (If your child does not feel comfortable going to Sunday School, you are welcome to remain with your child/children in our worship service or you may accompany your child/children to Sunday School.)

Children are always welcome in worship. Occasionally, Sunday school is offered and children will be excused to go with the teacher after the Pastor’s Story Time on those Sundays. Parents can feel free to attend with their child if preferred or the child can remain in worship.


The nursery is not staffed but is well supplied for parents and infants needing a break from the sanctuary.


ALL are welcome at our table. All faiths. All ages.

The communion is done by intinction: Take a piece of bread from the loaf offered and dip it into the chalice filled with grape juice. If you need to be served in the pew, just let the usher know and a deacon will come to you. Remember: ALL are welcome to the table here. So, no matter what you believe or what religion you practice, feel free to share Communion if you are so moved!


While we are continually experimenting with new worship style concepts, we generally practice an open style with uplifting congregational music, special musicians, our chancel choir (the choir is on hiatus throughout the summer months) and powerfully inspiring sermons and dramas.

Presently, we project all bulletin elements at the front of the sanctuary. You are welcome to read from the bulletin or the projection — which ever is most comfortable to you.

Assisted Hearing Sevices are available. Just tell the Greeter or Usher that you require this device.


Attire ranges from dressy to work dress to casual. You are invited to wear what you feel comfortable wearing.


Following Sunday Worship, all are welcome to gather in the Fireside Room (adjacent to the Sanctuary) for coffee, beverages and often a light snack. We sometimes have a potluck. All are welcome to join us whether they have brought a dish or not.


There is a church parking lot on the south side of the buildings. There is also ample and easy street parking on and off of Huntington Drive. The main door and parking lot is actually on Del Mar – NOT Huntington Drive, so our quiet neighborhood provides safe access to our campus. (Our original chapel door faced Huntington Drive.) View our campus map.

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Mission Statement

In response to God’s all-encompassing presence and unconditional love, we at San Marino Congregational Church a worship-centered community, are spreading the Good News of God’s Love to all, working to heal human divisions, and striving for justice and peace.

Open & Affirming Statement

San Marino Congregational United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming church. We affirm the rich complexity of God’s creation, which includes every person and many forms of family. We welcome into our open communion and community God’s beloved children of all ethnicities, nationalities, ages, genders, sexual orientations, physical or mental limitations, economic and family circumstances, and faith backgrounds. We affirm and celebrate all loving and committed relationships. We commit ourselves to the defense of the spiritual, civic, and human rights of all people, and to the promotion of their well being in our Church and communities.

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